Tomytec Limited Vintage Neo 1/64 Honda NSX TypeS-Zero1997 model (Yellowish Green) LV-N228b


Regular price $42.00 CAD



Material: Metal & Plastic

Scale 1:64


-NA2 type is now available in the popular NSX!
-Reproduce the lightweight model Type S-Zero
● Engine hood opening and closing (with opening and closing parts)

Honda's midship sports "NSX" that appeared in 1990. The driver-centered design concept has had a great impact on sports cars around the world. With minor changes in 1997, performance improvements such as increased displacement and 6-speed MT were made, and the model became NA2. Among them, Type S-Zero was packaged on the premise of circuit driving by completely eliminating equipment such as air conditioner, audio, and ABS.

In TLV-N, following the initial type scheduled to be released in February 2021, NA2 type Type S-Zero will be added to the lineup. Reproduce wheels with different shapes and mufflers that have been changed from oval to round due to minor changes.
Of course, the rear engine hood can be opened and closed. You can enjoy making the C32B type engine by adopting mesh for the engine cover like the actual car. There are two body colors, orange and yellow-green, which can be selected by custom order. The vividness of the '90s is also attractive.


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