LED Wood Wall Light - Hedgehog

873-435 03-00

Regular price $33.99 CAD

Size About 18.5 × 15 cm
Materials  Polyethylene , ABS resin
Country of Origin Japan
  • For fashionable interior during the day, indirect lighting to illuminate the feet at night! 
  • It is a wall light expressing the popular Scandinavian pattern with a wood grain sheet. 
  • It incorporates a built-in sound sensor and lights in response to a bit of sound and vibration, turning off automatically in about 60 seconds. 
  • Interior nature is also high, room familiarity is outstanding.
Detailed Function Can be used about 1500 times
Detailed Spec 3 x AAA batteries
Remarks Batteries are not included in the product. Please prepare separately. 
Wood grain attitude depends on goods.

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