Kobayashi Stainless Steel Bottle Washing Tablet 8pcs

Regular price $5.99 CAD

Made in Japan by Kobayashi Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd

Cleaning agents and cleaners stains at the bottom of spreading reach in a bottle ingredients down for the kitchen.

Polyphenols can cause coloring stains, dissolves the makeups. Clean antibacterial effect. (Doesn't mean the eradication of all bacteria. ) 

How to use 
* Aluminium, copper, brass, iron ones, cannot be used with the decoration, such as gold and silver.

(1) with warm water (40 degrees) into the flask and mugs, drug dosage. * standard is 1 tablet per 350 ml water. * Can put the water until full, filled with no problems elsewhere.

(2) lid (in CAP) left closing the left 2 hours (if the terrible stain overnight) intact. That * during the cleaning when you don't want the water bottle comes with seal in prominent locations. * Make sure lid open to use.

(3) after cleaning the internal washing well. If stains remain, rub lightly with a sponge and effective. 

Precautions for use 
-Do not place within reach of children.

-Do not use in applications other than.

-Do not use on hot water (over 60).

-Not the material itself is discolored due to heat things. -If you have to melt the rest lightly, drop.

-Virgin hands using gloves.

-In use immediately after opening the bag.

-Place at high temperatures and high humidity, direct sunlight. First aid-because they may damage the eyes and eye contact, without rubbing, immediately rinsed with water at least 15 minutes, then consult physician.

-If you accidentally put in the mouth, rinse the mouth and drink 1-2 glasses of milk or water. -If you noticed on the skin, wash thoroughly with water.

-If there are unusual cases and bring instructions and to consult a doctor. Hydrogen potassium persulphate components (oxygen systems), surfactants (alkyl sulfate ester salts), phosphates (as P2O5 2.9%), foaming agents (carbonates, organic acids), binders (sugar alcohol), excipient humoral agents, alkaline 

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