AOSHIMA 1/64 Grand Champion Minicar Collection Vol. 13 - Complete set of 12

Regular price $149.00 CAD

Produced by AOSHIMA

●This time, we've got a 130 Laurel by "Shakotan★Koyaji", a.k.a. Liberty Walk representative Wataru Kato, and a stock-look GX71 Cresta with a shortened ride height that's been soaring in price every year!
●The tuning machines that were popular among the young-at-heart in the 1980s have been made into 1/64 scale miniature cars. At only 70mm in size, the customization and wheels of the time have been reproduced to the fullest.

●Total of 6 models, 2 colors each
●Product size (when packaged individually): 80mm x 115mm x 40mm
●Inner box size 165mm x 115mm x 245mm

●Hakosuka 2Dr 1971年式(GC10)
This Hakosuka 2Dr is the treasure of "Shakotan★Koyaji", aka Liberty Walk Representative Wataru Kato.

●Fairlady 1973 年式(S30)
This is the second Fairlady Z treasured by "Shakotan★Koyaji", aka Liberty Walk representative Wataru Kato.

●130 Laurel 1973(C130)
This is a butaketsu Laurel, a treasure of "Shakotan★Koyaji".

●110 Silvia 1979 (S110)
The 110 Silvia has a stunning silhouette style.
The spoiler and fenders are reminiscent of the racing cars of the time, and the impact is outstanding.

●Cresta 1987 (GX71)
The only thing that's been tweaked is the ride height, but if you look closely, you'll see that it's a late model with an early model face.

●71 Mark II 1987 (GX71)
This is a 71 Mark II with a shortened ride height.

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