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Nyammy Cat Series by KAI - Flat Grater DH-2724


Sale price $12.00 CAD Regular price $15.00 CAD


9 x 23 x 1.1cm 

Materials  Blade: Stainless Steel, Body: ABS 
Country of Origin Japan


"Fun cooking with a cat!"
Utilizing the performance of our selling items, we adopted a cat motif in a way that does not disturb the atmosphere of the kitchen. For those who like cats and those who do not care "I want it! I want to use!" I value the good-looking cat feeling.
Slices · Grated · Ornaments can be made with this one! It is a double-edged slicer that can cut off quickly. Cat motifs are incorporated not only in the upper part of the main body but also in decorative parts, so you can make sliced ​​ham and cheese in a ribbon shape like a cat

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