Tomica Limited Vintage NEO 1/64 Diocolle 64 # Car Snap 03a First Visit


Sale price $59.00 CAD Regular price $69.00 CAD

Produced by Tomytec

Scale 1/64

● New Year set of figures and accessories
-One mini car with special specifications is included! 
● Shoot variously for New Year's cards and SNS!

A set with the theme of the new year of the car. In addition to the torii and komainu, the figure of two men and women wearing a kimono and a kimono, and a "shimezama" to attach to the car are included. The Toyota Corolla is a classic 1500SE family car, the white 1500SE Limited.

【set content】
① Toyota Corolla 1500 SE Limited (Tomica Limited Vintage NEO)
② Torii
③ Komainu A
④ Komainu B
⑤ Shrine figure
⑥ Male figure (Japanese clothes)
⑦ Female figure (Japanese clothes)
⑧ Shime decoration (user-installed parts)

*Pedestal and background parts are not included.

Recently, a “shining” photo using a minicar and toy that has been suddenly excited on SNS. More and more people are enjoying not just shooting, but combining various features such as figures and scene items. Therefore, Tomytec proposed the 1/64 scale GeoColle 64 # car snap.

The first release in June and July was well received. Then, at the end of the year, we will release "Hatsumode", which is perfect for New Year's cards. A photo of a car with a "shimezama" decoration on the front is a classic New Year card. In addition, the figure of a torii gate and kimono is set to give the image of the "Ohori" scene that was once seen when the car was delivered.

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