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Harris Tweed 2-Way Pouch and Shoulder Bag - Yellow Plaid


Sale price $69.00 CAD Regular price $96.00 CAD

Size 13.5 x 16.5 x 3cm, 
Strip: 135cm 
Materials  Wool, cowhide
Country of Origin Japan

Popular Harris Tweed's bonbon bonus. You can enjoy the color of the back leather and bonbons.

Why choose ‘Harris Tweed’? ‘Harris Tweed’ is

• a world-famous classic cloth • handwoven only by the islanders of Scotland’s Outer Hebrides at their homes

• the world’s only cloth with a protected provenance, governed by an Act of Parliament • protected by the Harris Tweed Authority – guardians of the world-famous Orb Mark

• made of 100% Pure New Wool that is dyed, blended, carded, spun, warped, woven, finished only in Scotland’s Outer Hebrides

• stamped, certified and guaranteed to be genuine and of high quality

• an artisanal cloth that is connected to the wild Hebridean landscape

• providing valuable employment for crofters and weavers in a remote island economy

• energy-efficient to create, beautiful, durable, and practical to use

• an established luxury brand chosen by famous fashion and interior designers who value its character and timeless classic style

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