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Wool fur clutch - Thousand birds


Sale price $89.00 CAD Regular price $145.00 CAD

Size Vertical 18 × Horizontal 27 × Machi 0 cm 
Weight 200 g
Materials Surface: Hair, Nylon 
Attachment: Rayon 
Lining: Polyester, Cotton
Country of Origin Japan
Comments A ruffled point tote bag with a sense of volume. 
Fall-winter Corde's mast item, wool material has warmth. 
All made in Japan carefully. 
Large horizontally long wallet sized to fit cleanly, it is also perfect for formal scenes because it also enters rugosa. 
The bracket with brand name in the front right lower right accented. 
Frill with exquisite voluminous feel unique to Japan, attractive sewing polite.

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