We are excited to announce that our shop will be reopening on March 18, 2025 (Tuesday)!

OUTDOOR Stainless Steel Bottle (Floral)


Regular price $29.00 CAD

Size 6×20.2cm 
Approx.: 220g 
Caliber: 4.8cm 
Capacity: 380ml

Body: Stainless Steel, 
Lid : polypropylene , silicon. Ice stopper: polypropylene

Country of Origin China
Comments It is a popular OUTDOOR stainless bottle. 
Because it is a compact body it does not bulk in the bag. It is easy to grip. Because it keeps cold insulation warm, it makes a big success regardless of the season.
Detailed Spec Heat retaining effect Efficiency of 85 ° C or more (1 hour), 60 ° C or more (6 hours) 
Inspection effect 10 ° C or less (6 hours)

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