We are excited to announce that our shop will be reopening on March 18, 2025 (Tuesday)!

w.p.c Tote / Rain Bag in Pin dot Navy blue


Regular price $16.99 CAD

Size 33cm × 45cm × 12cm 
Weight 60 g 
Folding size : 13cm × 13cm × 3cm 
Materials  100% polyester
Country of Origin China

w.p.c by World Party Co., Ltd. Japan


Fabric is water repellent

Rain bag cover that protects valuable back from raindrops on rainy days. 
Sunny day can also be used as a sub bag 2way specification. 
It is popular as a petit gift because it is convenient item.

Protect your favorite bag from raindrops, 
and use it as a shopping bag on a fine day.
Convenience with style, 
Rain Bag Covers are one of our popular products chosen as gifts.

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