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AKEBONO 10pcs Plastic Sealing Bag Clip Set - White and Brown ST-3013


Sale price $10.00 CAD Regular price $18.00 CAD


Bag clip: 10cm  × 2cm × 1cm

Case: 19.5cm × 11cm × 1.5 cm 

Materials / Ingredients Case:  Polystyrene 
Suction Cup: PVC 
Bag Clip: Polypropylene
Country of Origin Japan
Comments It is a set of 10 clip bags with high sealability and a special case not troubled with storage location. 
The case is affixed to the refrigerator etc. by the suction cup, it is not troubled at the storage place. 
You can write letters on the surface of the clip with a pencil, you can rewrite it repeatedly. It is convenient because it can describe contents and expiration dates. 

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