Bitatto ~ The Very Hungry Caterpillar Reusable Baby Wipes Lid - Caterpillar & Strawberry (Mini Size)

486-560 00-00

Sale price $2.00 CAD Regular price $5.00 CAD


Mini Size W83× D58 × H7 ㎜

Materials Body: PP  / Adhesive material: Urethane elastomer 
Country of Origin Japan
Comments Easy to use! Hygienic! Eco-friendly! Bitatto solves drying out problem when you use wet wipes.

** How to use Bitatto ?? **

(1) Remove the resealable label from the wet wipes package.


(2) Peel off the protective film from the reverse side of Bitatto.
※Be careful not to take off the adhesive sheet together.
(3) Apply the Bitatto.
※Make sure there are no winkles, water, oil or dust on the package before applying Bitatto

** If adhesive becomes weak **

If the adhesive sheet’s strength becomes weak by dust or dirt, it is available to recover with water and natural dry.
If adhesive sheet becomes weak by oil such as from the hand or ink, clean it softly with neutral detergent or alcohol sanitizer.

(1)  Wash adhesive sheets softly with water.

     ※Do not scrub it with nails or sharp stuff.

(2) The adhesive strength gets back after drying naturally.

※Bitatto is not a disposable product. It can be reused repeatedly. Its life span is subject to usage environment and frequency.

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