Harris Tweed Purse - Pink Plaid


Sale price $29.00 CAD Regular price $45.00 CAD

Size 9.5 × 9.5 × 2 cm, 
Weight: Approx 40 g
Materials  Wool, cowhide
Country of Origin Japan

Popular Harris Tweed's bonbon bonus. You can enjoy the color of the back leather and bonbons.

Why choose ‘Harris Tweed’? ‘Harris Tweed’ is

• a world-famous classic cloth • handwoven only by the islanders of Scotland’s Outer Hebrides at their homes

• the world’s only cloth with a protected provenance, governed by an Act of Parliament • protected by the Harris Tweed Authority – guardians of the world-famous Orb Mark

• made of 100% Pure New Wool that is dyed, blended, carded, spun, warped, woven, finished only in Scotland’s Outer Hebrides

• stamped, certified and guaranteed to be genuine and of high quality

• an artisanal cloth that is connected to the wild Hebridean landscape

• providing valuable employment for crofters and weavers in a remote island economy

• energy-efficient to create, beautiful, durable, and practical to use

• an established luxury brand chosen by famous fashion and interior designers who value its character and timeless classic style

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