Ken Elephant Road Works Nori Nori Folktales Complete set of 5

Regular price $29.00 CAD


Scale 1/64

Produced by Ken Elephant

Complete set of 5


1. Oni (Blue) Nori Momotaro
Size (Approx.): H6.5 x W2.8 × D4.9cm
2. Oni (Red) Nori Momotaro
Size (Approx.): H6.5 × W2.8 × D4.9cm
3. Bear Nori Kintaro
Size (Approx.): H5.2 × W2.8 × D4.9cm
4. Raccoon rabbit size (approx .
): H6.2 x W2.8 x D4.9 cm
5. Donkey dog
​​size (approx.): H8 x W2.8 x D4.9 cm


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