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miniQ Sato Kunio's Lucky Cat Blind Box by KAIYODO 海洋堂

Regular price $8.99 CAD

Produced by KAIYODO 海洋堂

For age of 15 and up

Blind Box with random designs

Illustrator Kunio Sato's popular work has been turned into an animal art figure series by Kaiyodo! These adorable little kitties are inspired by the lucky cat statues in Japan, so they all have one paw up in a cute pose that looks like they're waving. Careful attention has been made to each animal to bring the illustrations to life, including the soft look of their fur. Order today and bring a little extra luck into your home!


  • Brown Tabby Cat
  • Tortoiseshell Cat
  • Black & White Cat
  • White Cat
  • Black Cat

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