OUTDOOR PRODUCTS® Stainless Steel Soup Pot 350 ml Khaki


Regular price $45.99 CAD

2017 FW new work! New soup pot appears from OUTDOOR PRODUCTS®!

HOT or COLD !!
Soup pot arrived in the autumn winter new work of outdoor products! 
It is possible to carry warm soup etc at school or in the office accompanied by lunch box
It is compact and easy to carry, colorful and fashionable design!
[Material] Body: Stainless steel Outer lid: Stainless steel · Polypropylene packing: Silicone 

【Heat retaining effect】 84°C or more (1 hour) / 60 °C or more (6 hours) 
【Cold storage effect】 11°C or less (6 hours)
size diameter height weight
ONE 8.9 cm 14.0 cm Approximately 324 g

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