Our retail store closed for the Canadian International AutoShow. Reopen on Feb 25th.

PREORDER HOBBY JAPAN 1/64 Honda PRELUDE 2.2Si-VTEC (BB4) EARLY VERSION - FROST WHITE HJ641066W (Approx. Release Date : Q3 2024 subjects to the manufacturer's final decision)


Regular price $31.00 CAD

Preorder Item !!

The product release date is only an approximation and may be subjected to change without notice.
Manufacturers may delay product release date due to a variety of reasons which may include but not exclusive to the following: production / shipping delays, insufficient number of pre-orders, licensing issues, etc.

Preorder cancellation is subject to a cancellation fee equal to 10% of the value of the preorder item

Produced by HOBBY JAPAN

Scale 1/64

■ The photo is a prototype. Specifications are subject to change without notice.

■ Samples are subject to be approved by licensor.

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