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Tomica 50th Anniversary Specifications Nissan GTR designed by NISSAN

Regular price $18.00 CAD


Produced by Tomica

Suspension/Left and right door opening/closing

The “Tomica 50th Anniversary Car Maker Collaboration Project” is a designer of each company that normally takes charge of actual vehicle design with the cooperation of three car manufacturers, Honda R&D Co., Ltd., Toyota Motor Corporation, and Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. It's a dream project for us to think about a special 50th anniversary design just for Tomica.
Based on the sports cars of each company, which is one of the most popular Tomica games and has been admired by children, each company decided on a design that suits each vehicle at an in-house competition. Real vehicles decorated with each design will also appear at various events.
The third edition of "Tomica 50th Anniversary Car Maker Collaboration Project", "Nissan GT-R Tomica 50th Anniversary Specification deisgned by NISSAN" is now available!

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