Tomytec Tomica Limited Vintage Neo 1/64 Nissan Cedric Wagon V20E SGL Limited (Green / Silver) LV-N209b


Sale price $35.00 CAD Regular price $38.00 CAD


Material: Metal & Plastic

Scale 1:64

● New specifications for the popular Y30 series
● Pay attention to the difference in details depending on the grade!

The Y30 type Cedric / Gloria wagon and van are popular as wagons that give a retro feel and can be customized as you wish. The actual car is still a popular model that is not only frequently seen in the city but also has specialty stores. Following the 1/35 plastic model and 1/150 car collection, we will fully commercialize it with TLV-NEO in September 2020. Thanks to you, it was very well received.

This time, we will develop the ground self-defense force business vehicle No. 1 based on the final type van, the green type 2 tone of the highest grade "SGL Limited" of the final type of wagon. Please note that this will be TLV's first SDF vehicle, in addition to the differences by grade.
The wagon is also excellently compatible with existing RV models, GeoColle 64 # Car Snap and Tomytec Vintage. Please enjoy various scenes.

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