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Tomytec Tomica Limited Vintage Neo 1/64 Mitsubishi Pajero Midroof Wide VR with Optional Parts 1994 Blue/Silver LV-N206a


Regular price $45.00 CAD



Material: Metal & Plastic

Scale 1:64

For Age: More than 15 years old

● Focus on grill guard and roof carrier parts
-Ideal for adding Geo Colle 64 # car snap

At TLV-NEO, we are deploying each model of the early Heisei era, which was booming in the RV boom. We will add new specifications to the second-generation Pajero, which was commercialized last year and was well received. Reproduce the relatively basic grade VR of a gasoline vehicle with optional grill guard and roof carrier installed. In the 1990s, these pajero looks were common in the city.

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