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Tomytec Tomica Limited Vintage Neo 1/64 Nissan Terrano R3M (Grey) LV-N63d


Regular price $45.00 CAD


Material: Metal & Plastic

Scale 1:64

For Age: More than 15 years old

● Hisabisa's first Terrano new specifications
● 90's perfect option parts
● Popular Crocan 4WD

A cross-country 4WD boom that broke out in the late 1980s. While having full-fledged rough road running performance, the design and comfort equipment suitable for use in the city have been adopted, and it has spread to people along with the proposal of a new lifestyle. In the 1990s, there was an explosive RV boom, and the scenery of the city changed. The first Terrano was released by Nissan in 1986 as a flagship of city group 4WD.
Based on the Datsun Truck, the first Terrano, which has a stylish body for ease of use as a wagon, was also a popular car produced until 1995, with the addition of four doors on the way.

In 2011, TLV-NEO commercialized the first-class superlative model R3M. After that, we launched a vehicle with mid-term optional parts equipped with grille guards, spare tires on the back, etc., all of which were well received. This time it is a new specification after a long time. Based on the mid-term model, the side stripes, which were optionally set in the actual vehicle, are included. From the color variations of the actual car, we chose a single color system with stripes. It is a model that is indispensable as a collection of the '90s car models that have recently been increasing in popularity.

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