Tomytec Tomica Limited Vintage Neo 1/64 Town Ace Wagon 1800 Super Extra (1982) Green LV-N104d


Regular price $37.00 CAD


Material: Metal & Plastic

Scale 1:64

For Age: More than 15 years old

● New specifications for late-type square headlights
● New production of indoor parts, reproduction of advanced model
● Geo Colle 64 #Ideal for car snap

The first Town Ace was born in 1976 as a one-box wagon that uses the mechanism of a passenger car. The wagon registered for passenger cars, which had been set from the beginning, has been fully equipped with rapid succession, and has become the protagonist of the one-box wagon boom in the late 1970s and early 80s. At the time of debut, it was a round headlight, but in 1980 the wagon system renewed the square headlight. After a more detailed specification change, the baton was touched in the second generation in November 1982.

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