A4 + A3 Score file / Kenban MUSIC LESSON FILE - Black score


Regular price $26.99 CAD

Size 31.5 x 24.3cm
Materials  polypropylene
Country of Origin Japan
Comments It is a revolutionary file that you can write while keeping your hair sandwiched between upper and lower flaps. Since it is just pinched between upper and lower flaps, there is no reflection by the stage proof, easy to read the score! 
Of course, it is a useful file that can be used while writing, including school prints, design drawings, cooking recipes, etc. 
A4, A3 size correspondence.
Detailed Spec A4 size x 26 pages 
A3 size x 13 pages

A lesson file in the shape of a happy word that corresponds to a perfect spread

It is a lesson file for those who perform while playing notes and writing while referring to the document. It is a popular item that can prevent you from closing without permission and can see comfortably.

Let me choose my preference.

Popular music lesson file, you can freely select patterns with abundant variations! Please choose according to the situation, such as a simple keyboard pattern and a note pattern with large impact.

A little nice, just right.

On the back of the left and right covers, there are pockets that you do not claim too much. It is inconvenient if it does not exist, even if it is too multifunctional, it will not be used. You can use it simply with a good sense of size!

A3 size is Supori!

The score of A3 size etc is also included in Shibori. Because it is an insertion type, it does not disturb the score when playing! It is a name called a music file, but it is also useful for people who cook while opening recipes. It is perfect for large-format paper entering in Shibori and when doing work while keeping it open.

As much as it seems, it sticks to me.

I adhere very much if I stick to the handle. From such a feeling, the design is given exactly to the back cover. Even when files are lined up, you can easily see which file! If you arrange them in different colors, they will gather together. 

Music lesson files are also popular for gifts ♪ 
Tags, files, but files. Just because you use it on a daily basis, why do not you try picking up a particular file.


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