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TAKARA TOMY PLARAIL Shinkansen Year 2022 Series 400 Tsubasa & Series E4 Max CONNECT SET 4904810225911

Regular price $75.00 CAD

Produced by TAKARA TOMY

For the age of 3 and up 

-Both "Series 400 Tsubasa" and "Series E4 Max" are articulated cars.
(Pull the lever on the third car to reveal a magnetic coupler, allowing the two cars to be connected and run together.)
-Both cars can be connected and disconnected in a 3-car formation.
-Both cars run electrically at 2 speeds, and can be rolled by hand with the switch off.
*Rails are not included.

Batteries: AA batteries x 1 (sold separately)

Size : Approx. 390mm

Made in Vietnam

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