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Tarmac Works Mercedes me x likeBlack x Tarmac Works 1/64 Mercedes-AMG GT3 #4 Diorama & Cars Box set T64-008-4A4Box


Regular price $165.00 CAD

Pickup In-store Special Price @ CAD 155.00 / set.

Please contact us for detail.

Mercedes me x 4A likeBlack Special Edition

Limited to 999 pcs produced

Scale: 1/64

The package includes:

- 1x Mercedes-AMG GT3 #4 in black on black livery

- 1x Mercedes-AMG GT3 #4 in white on black livery

1x Mercedes-AMG GT3 #4 in red on black livery

- 1x Mercedes-AMG GT3 special white color livery with a driver mini-figure inside

- 6x 1/64 containers

- 3 minifigures

- Pit lane diorama accessories (yellow/black barrier, 2x grandstand seats, 3x pit roads)

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