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Tights Inner Leggings - Black (LL)


Sale price $5.00 CAD Regular price $13.00 CAD

  • L ~ LL: Hip 90 ~ 103cm
  • Height 155 ~ 170cm
Materials  75% nylon, 20% cupra, 5% polyurethane
Country of Origin Japan
Comments Leggings appear in tights inner series that hit last year! 

Thin, light, warm! Ultra thin inner feel of a bare skin. 
The thinness and the sense of length that does not crack at the bottom, it is warm enough firmly though it looks clear. 
I will protect the lower body from chilling. 
Flexible and pleasant to the skin, gentle fit with superior elasticity like tights. The hem uses ribs to prevent turning up. 
It is one piece that can rely on countermeasures against cold every day.

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