We are excited to announce that our shop will be reopening on March 18, 2025 (Tuesday)!

Nyammy Cat Series by KAI - 500ml Measuring Cup


Regular price $12.99 CAD


12.2 x 8.5 x 12cm 

Materials  AS Resin  (Heat Resistance Temperature 100 ℃, Cool Temperature-30 ℃)
Country of Origin Japan
"Fun cooking with a cat!"
Utilizing the performance of our selling items, we adopted a cat motif in a way that does not disturb the atmosphere of the kitchen. For those who like cats and those who do not care "I want it! I want to use!" I value the good-looking cat feeling.
It is a two-color scale of white and black, which cat easily change according to seasoning to measure and liquid color. It is difficult to soil the hands and the place of storage with a design that is hard to drip from anywhere.

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