Tomytec Tomica Limited Vintage Neo 1/64 Nissan GTR 50th ANNIVERSARY Silver LV-N200b

Sale price $49.00 CAD Regular price $59.00 CAD



Material: Metal & Plastic

Scale 1:64

For Age: More than 15 years old

-Reproduce the 50th anniversary car
● The latest type around the front bumper
-Also pay attention to the detailed coloring dedicated to the memorial car

The Nissan GT-R was born in 1969 as the Skyline 2000 GT-R and celebrated its 50th anniversary in 2019. The current model that appeared in 2007 has undergone another major change to the 2020 MODEL in May 2019. The appearance of the 2020 MODEL is limited to details such as the newly adopted one-gun blue body color and the mesh shape on the left and right of the front bumper on the exterior, but the turbocharger, transmission, etc. have further matured on the road. The 50th anniversary car GT-R 50th ANNIVERSARY, which was announced at the same time as a limited-time car until March 2020, has a strong impression of the stripes on the upper surface reminiscent of the old Hacoska GT-R Works racing car.

TLV-NEO has commercialized the current GT-R from 2014 MODEL. It has generated a great response to miniature car fans all over the world, but after 2017 MODEL, we will model 2020 MODEL this time. First of all, there are 2 types of 50th ANNIVERSARY specifications. The front side mold is newly manufactured to reproduce the 2020 MODEL. The lineup includes the one-gun blue that reminds us of the Bayside Blue of the R34 GT-R that debuted in 1999, and the two heritage colors of silver, which has been lined up with continuous cotton since the first Hakosuka GT-R. Please make sure you have one that is indispensable for your desktop GT-R collection.

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